James Street School - We Love to Learn


Our Road Patrollers participated in the Orange parade down the Strand and on to the Aquatic Centre to celebrate their commitment to keeping our community safe on the crossing every day rain, hail or shine. They had a great banner, a great chant and a great time at the pools. Tapatapahia ana!

Thanks to our parents  who have coached basketball and netball this season: Ra Wilson,Vanessa Mc Millan-Hauwai, Riria Ripaki and Laurie Miringaorangi.

                                                                                    Ra Wilson

At James Street School...

We are respectful

We are proud

We are safe

... and teachers learn too.


Thanks to Duffy Books

for our special Mother's Day prize...
Awhina Murphy nominated her mum Dawn.


Congratulations Harmony Patuwai.

Harmony has won  a fishing rod, donated by Hiwi the Kiwi, for her writing "Manaki Tia To Tatou Tangaroa -Respect our Sea".

Tapatapahia ana!!!

Congratulations Te Ataarangi...

first student in 2014 to earn

100 James Street dollars. smileycoolmoneygrinwinkeek

 We are so proud of you, especially Whaea Kiri and your friend Lyrical.