Kia Ora
What a good choice you have made in James Street School!
Welcome to 'Our Place' where we have great students, connected parents and friendly and dynamic staff.
At James Street School we have an engaging curriculum that focuses on student interests and teacher passions. We "Grow Great Learners" through our culture and curriculum so that our children become literate, confident, outward focused learners. Our leadership and sports programmes give all students the opportunity to shine in the area of their strengths.
Parents and whanau are always welcome and encouraged to participate in all aspects of their child's learning.
Through our website, Class DOJO, and our facebook page we will keep you informed of current and future events and showcase the learning and activities in which your children are involved.
You can contact the school by phone: 07 3086855 or by
e mail:
I look forward to a happy and fruitful association with you.
Roz Dakin